in 中文-普通话 / 國語 / Mandarin Chinese (traditional) translated by Fion
This object has been translated into 9 different languages by 9 different users
這些雕製的餐匙(勺子)來自非洲的索馬里,由當地的材料製成,經久耐用。索馬里人通常用一種叫 xagar 的植物來雕刻這些餐匙(又或稱 fandal 或 qaado),它們以繁複的幾何圖案而聞名。作為日常用品,它不僅美觀,採用的原料對環境也沒有太大傷害。
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27 Jun, 2023
In Romani – the spoons made us think about a Roma group called Lingurari (spoon makers), who used to make a living out of carving spoons and other everyday objects. We talked about the past and present of the Lingurari group, and the way they used to make a living through their wood carving. The group is still known as Lingurari even though the trades are being lost. A lot of Roma groups are still known by their trade name this way.
In the audio, a mum is telling her kids about the tradition.
25 Apr, 2023
In Somali