1.700 Jahre alte Socke

1.700 Jahre alte Socke Gallery Image
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in Deutsch / German translated by Elena Luisa

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1.700 Jahre alte Socke

Diese bunte, 1 700 Jahre alte Socke mit gespaltenen Zehen wurde ursprünglich von einem britischen Archäologen in einem römischen Friedhof in Oxyrhynchus (dem heutigen Al-Bahnasa in Ägypten) gefunden. Sie wurde aus feiner, dreilagiger Wolle im sogenannten „Sprang“-Strickverfahren hergestellt. Aufgrund des trockenen Klimas in Ägypten blieb sie lange Zeit erhalten.

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    There is a nice wee video at Manchester museum imagining the history of this sock. Unfortunately the cartoon shows a woman knitting it in two knitting needles, which was clearly not the case. Such a shame!

    Emma Boast

    This is so cool! Love discovering new examples of Nalbinding. This is definitely Coptic Stitch Nalbinding for sure. I’m a Nalbinding Specialist and I’ve just recently reconstructed some of these. Love the different colours on this example, you can even see the joins and imperfections made by the original wool crafter. Very awesome! Thanks for sharing! 🙂

    Image comment for Emma Boast
    Sabine Wanner

    Hi, this sock is made using naalbinding (needlebinding). The stitch should be the Tarim stitch, also known as coptic stitch. At least it looks like it. If you need a person in Great Britain to verify the stitch type, please let me know and I will get you a suitable contact.

    Karen Newman

    This is not made by using the technique of sprang, nor is it knitting. It is nalbound, a needle weaving technique.

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