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In the late 1800s, the only herd in the world was kept in the Nanyuan Royal Hunting Garden by the Emperor Tongzhi. A few deer were bought by European zoos, and so when the Boxer Rebellion in China in 1900 caused the remaining deer to be killed and eaten for food, the only ones remaining were in zoos. The world is changing, habitats are being affected by human activity and more species are now preserved in zoos. What is your opinion of zoos?


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    ESOL group

    When I finished the passage, I found that the Milu Deer is an endangered species. And I also know it’s got another name which is Pere David’s deer. Before I read the passage, I had seen that kind of animal in TV. I think it was on discovery channel, and the video was probably made by the CCP authority.


    I enjoy visiting zoos and I hope the animals get treated well, but I do feel sorry for the animals as they have limited space to move around and they are in the public eye a lot of the time.

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    Shuang Yang

    Milu deer are native to the swampy areas of the middle and lower Yangtze River in China. Looks are often confused with reindeer.

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    Mohamed Mahfouz

    الغزال ميلو

    يُعرف الغزال ميلو أيضًا باسم غزال بير دافيد، تيمنًا بالمبشر الفرنسي الذي أرسل عينات ميتة للغرب في عام 1866، أو يُعرف أحيانًا بالاسم الصيني “سيبوشيانغ” (أربعة غير متشابهة)، حيث يتشابه مظهره مع أربعة حيوانات أخرى. يُقال أنه يمتلك “حوافر بقرة ولكنه ليس بقرة، وعنق جمل ولكنه ليس جملة، وقرون غزال ولكنه ليس غزالًا، وذيل حمار ولكنه ليس حمارًا”.

    في أواخر القرن التاسع عشر، كان القطيع الوحيد في العالم يُحتفظ به في حديقة نانيوان الملكية للصيد بأمر من الإمبراطور تونغزي. تم شراء عدد قليل من الغزلان من قبل حدائق الحيوانات الأوروبية، وبالتالي، عندما أدت حركة الملاكمة في الصين عام 1900 إلى قتل الغزلان المتبقية واستهلاكها كطعام، بقيت النسخ الوحيدة في الحدائق الحيوانية. إن العالم يتغير، وتتأثر المواطن الطبيعية بالنشاط البشري، وتُحتفظ الآن بمزيدٍ من الأنواع في الحدائق الحيوانية. ما هو رأيك في الحدائق الحيوانية؟

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    Grigore Donose

    Este o zi speciala pentru a-mi reaminti istoria acestei caprioare pe care am auzit-o de la profesorii de istorie la liceu in Romania. Am vazut azi ceea ce am invatat acum cativa in liceu.

    Federica Sebastiano

    Notes on culture
    The Bioparco di Roma is the oldest zoological garden in Italy. It was first inaugurated over 100 years ago, on 5 January 1911.
    Since then, the Bioparco has undergone drastic changes, evolving from a mere exhibition centre for exotic species to an active promoter of the conservation of biodiversity. It seeks to achieve this aim in three ways: preservation, education, and research.
    Firstly, the Bioparco is a member of EAZA (European Association of Zoos and Aquaria) and is committed to active participation in national and international conservation projects.
    Biodiversity conservation is crucial because it is threatened by deforestation, poaching, pollution, illegal trade, habitat destruction and climate change. For this reason, the Bioparco takes part in preservation projects in-situ (meaning in the animal’s natural habitat) and ex-situ (meaning outside of their natural habitat).
    Secondly, the zoological garden is committed to educating people to protect the environment and biodiversity. This is why the Bioparco regularly proposes environmental education activities for schools and the public at large to induce a concrete change of attitude and ensure that citizens and students are more sensitive and active towards the conservation of biodiversity.
    Finally, the Bioparco undertakes research to better understand animals and their behaviour. Modern zoos like the Bioparco allow us to investigate aspects of the lives of elusive and shy animals that, due to their characteristics, are difficult, if not impossible, to monitor in their natural habitat.
    Furthermore, Bioparco collaborates in its research activities with universities, other zoological facilities and national and international research organisations, whose aim is to investigate various aspects of a species, both veterinary and eco-ethological, such as nutrition, behaviour, health, or social organisation.
    I went to the Bioparco di Roma when I was an elementary school pupil. Even though it has been many years since then, I can still vividly remember the experience as it opened my eyes to the importance of biodiversity. Zoos have acquired a bad reputation throughout the decades and for good reason. Animals should not be exploited for entertainment, and it is encouraging to know that many agree with this statement now and are much more sensitive to animal rights. However, modern zoos can become an asset for biodiversity. As exemplified by the Bioparco di Roma, they can become a place to protect and understand animals and prevent their extinction in some cases.


    I talked to my children, and they all have positive opinions on zoos. Given good management and sufficient funds, a zoo is a great place to save and preserve animal species, especially endangered animals. Although some people may think that an animal in a zoo may not be as happy as they would be in their natural habitat as they have lost their freedom, in comparison to the difficult natural living conditions for some animals, being able to survive and reproduce is more important than the aspect of freedom.

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