조리 용기, 잉글랜드 런던, 중세

조리 용기, 잉글랜드 런던, 중세 Gallery Image

조리 용기, 잉글랜드 런던, 중세

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    The Italian word for cooking pot is ‘pentola’ but my Grandmother used to call it ‘marmitta’ because she spoke a dialect local to the Perugia area.

    The Wikidonca project collects similar dialect words, you can see it here: https://wikidonca.it/dizionario/Marmitta

    Cristina, Fabio & Dyana Bonometti

    thanks for posting. Your comment got us thinking about other words we heard in Italy for cooking pot. For example in the centre of Italy, in the Romagnolo dialect, you may hear ‘tigí’, ‘cassarola’ or ‘paiòl’. In the Toscano dialect it’s similar to the translation, ‘pentolo’. In Veneto you will hear ‘técia’ while in Siciliano ‘ tianu’ or ‘tiganu’ (very similar to ‘tigaie’ in Romanian). Then there’s also ‘pignatta’ used all over Italy and so well known now everywhere due to the children’s game.

    We’re from Italy but living in Romania and often find similarities between the two languages and their dialects.

    Gaetana Trippetti

    Hi Cristina, Fabio and Dyana! I have just remembered that my Grandmother also used the word “teglia”, similar to the Romagnolo “tigi”and the Romanian “tigaie”. Thanks for posting!


    A sharing platter from Ethiopia
    Flat bread with red minced beef, chilli sauce and spices

    Image comment for Mel

    Tigrinya description of the platter of food from Ethiopia

    Image comment for Mel

    Answer in Urdu about favourite dish

    Image comment for Halima

    My Urdu text is about chicken biryani, one of the most popular dishes in Pakistan.

    Somali Advice Link, Women's Support Group

    Saida talking in Saho, from Eritrea. She is talking about how similar clay pots are used for cooking there.


    In Romani.

    Image comment for Casandra

    Eś e á Balúci tás gawaś ant o common Balúcí á lúíg .
    ایشیا بلوچی ءٓ تاس گوشنت ءُ کامن بلوچی ءَ ایشیا لوہگ گوشنت ۔
    Esh e Balochi ha Tas gwashanth o Common Balochi nam esh w lohig enth .


    My Favourite recipe-
    Note- use of whole milk only.
    Carrot halwa is one of my most beloved desserts. I like it because it helps me to convince myself that I eat healthy! This Indian delicacy is a blend of sweet, creamy, and nutty flavors that always leaves me wanting more. Made with grated carrots, milk, sugar, ghee, and chopped nuts, it is a rich and delicious dessert that is perfect for any occasion.
    To make carrot halwa, start by grating two cups of carrots and setting them aside. Heat two tablespoons of ghee in a heavy-bottomed pan and add the grated carrots. Cook the carrots until the raw smell disappears. Then add two cups of milk and bring it to a boil. Reduce the heat and let it simmer until the milk is almost absorbed. Stir the mixture occasionally to prevent it from sticking to the bottom of the pan.
    Once the milk has reduced to a thick consistency, add half a cup of sugar and stir until it dissolves. Then add half a teaspoon of cardamom powder and a pinch of saffron threads for flavor and color. Continue to stir until the sugar is completely dissolved. Finally, add a quarter cup of chopped nuts, such as almonds, cashews, or pistachios, and mix well.
    Cook the halwa for another 5-10 minutes until the mixture is thick and glossy. Turn off the heat and let it cool before serving. You can serve it warm or chilled, garnished with more nuts if desired.
    In summary, carrot halwa is a simple dessert that is easy to make and a great reason to skip eating raw carrots!

    गाजर का हलवा मेरी सबसे प्रिय मिठाइयों में से एक है। मुझे यह पसंद है क्योंकि यह मुझे खुद को समझाने में मदद करता है कि मैं स्वस्थ खाता हूँ! यह भारतीय व्यंजन मीठे, मलाईदार और अखरोट के स्वाद का मिश्रण है जो हमेशा मुझे और अधिक चाहता है। कद्दूकस की हुई गाजर, दूध, चीनी, घी और कटे हुए मेवों से बनी यह एक समृद्ध और स्वादिष्ट मिठाई है जो किसी भी अवसर के लिए उपयुक्त है।
    गाजर का हलवा बनाने के लिए सबसे पहले दो कप गाजर को कद्दूकस करके अलग रख लें। एक भारी तले की कढ़ाई में दो बड़े चम्मच घी गरम करें और उसमें कद्दूकस की हुई गाजर डालें। गाजर को तब तक पकाएं जब तक कि कच्ची महक गायब न हो जाए। – फिर इसमें दो कप दूध डालकर उबाल लें. आँच को कम कर दें और इसे तब तक उबलने दें जब तक कि दूध लगभग अवशोषित न हो जाए। मिश्रण को बीच-बीच में हिलाते रहें ताकि वह कड़ाही के तले में न लगे।
    – जब दूध गाढ़ा हो जाए तो इसमें आधा कप चीनी डालें और इसे घुलने तक चलाएं. फिर स्वाद और रंग के लिए आधा चम्मच इलायची पाउडर और एक चुटकी केसर के धागे मिलाएं। चीनी के पूरी तरह से घुलने तक इसे चलाते रहें। अंत में, एक चौथाई कप कटे हुए मेवे, जैसे बादाम, काजू, या पिस्ता डालें और अच्छी तरह मिलाएँ।
    हलवे को और 5-10 मिनट तक पकाएं जब तक कि मिश्रण गाढ़ा और चमकदार न हो जाए। आँच बंद कर दें और परोसने से पहले इसे ठंडा होने दें। आप इसे गर्म या ठंडा परोस सकते हैं, यदि वांछित हो तो अधिक मेवों से सजाकर।
    संक्षेप में, गाजर का हलवा एक साधारण मिठाई है जो बनाने में आसान है और कच्ची गाजर खाने से बचने का एक बड़ा कारण है!

    Abdu Raman

    Wo mufadal eny loowy guw.

    I tried to write in Zaghawa a local language from Sudan but this is a language I speak but don’t usually write. So I’m not sure about the spelling.

    Translation in English

    My favourite food is meat and fufu.

    Federica Sebastiano

    Notes on culture
    I’m sure it doesn’t come as a surprise to many that Italy is very proud of its cuisine. I’ll admit that this is anecdotal evidence, but Italians truly talk about food all the time. We even go as far as enjoying our dinners all the while discussing other foods we enjoy and what our next meal may look like. We are a rather food-obsessed culture. However, there is a good reason for it. Not only is Italian culture internationally renowned but it is also some of the most diverse. Every single Italian region has its specialties and the ingredients and cooking methods all vary greatly. These recipes are often at the heart of regional pride.
    In July 2020, La Cucina Italiana, an Italian magazine focused on gastronomy, started discussing an idea: nominating Italian cuisine as a UNESCO World Heritage. The idea started to spread and eventually led to the creation of a Scientific Committee which is now drafting the Dossier for the official candidature to UNESCO. Whether or not Italian cuisine will become a World Heritage, I think the underlying message about food is really what is special about this news. Making Italian food a World Heritage is founded on the idea that it has its origin in Italy, but that Italian food should be shared worldwide, and it should belong to everyone, not just Italians. At the end of the day, isn’t it true that food always tastes better when is shared?

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