
斯里兰卡的罗刹(魔鬼)面具 Gallery Image
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in 中文-普通话 / 国语 / Mandarin Chinese (simplified) translated by Kun

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这种Tovil(魔鬼)或Shanthikarma(善行)面具用于斯里兰卡古老的前佛教仪式——the Yakun Natima(魔鬼之舞)。人们认为疾病是邪灵的诅咒所致,戴着代表魔鬼神面具的表演者与病人一起伴随着催眠的节奏跳舞。这一仪式结合了心理学和阿育吠陀(印度传统医学)关于疾病的观念,通过跳舞至精疲力尽来治疗患者。


Comments from Kun about the translation

I don't have much understanding of religion, so if there is any mistake, please feel free to point it out :)

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    Similar masks are made in Guinea Bissau, where I come from, and worn during the February carnival.


    Máscaras semelhantes são feitas na Guiné Bissau, de onde sou natural, e usadas durante o carnaval de fevereiro.


    Carnival masks from Ginea Bissau

    Image comment for Jeannette
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    Some more information about the Guinea Bissau carnival which is also held in February, like International Mother Language Day.

    Image comment for Jeannette

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