
靛藍染料 Gallery Image
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in 中文-粵語 / 粤语 / 廣東話 / 广东话 / Yue Chinese / Cantonese translated by Anna

This object has been translated into 6 different languages by 6 different users



殖民時期嘅印度農民被遊說種植靛藍染料去支緩英國嘅靛藍工業,而唔係以種植糧食為主。作為報酬,佢哋都只係收到市場價值嘅一小部分,根本一啲利潤都無。於是,喺1859年農民就發起「Nil Vidraha」(即「靛藍革命」)對抗英國嘅種園專制,帶嚟種植工業停滯。跟住嗰年,一位負責調查種植工業問題嘅法官聲稱:「冇一箱靛藍係冇染過人血先運到嚟英國。」


Comments from Anna about the translation

Indigo is one of my favourite colours. I am also very passionate about decolonisation, as well as social actions against oppression.

I have witnessed a couple major waves of social protests against establishments and oppressions, having been gown up in Hong Kong. A few of my school days were affected because of strikes and major road blocks. I have been told to go home early from my research trip in a local library due to unprecedented social unrests in the area. I have friends who participated in the many protests before it was suppressed. Some people I know even joined the violent unrests during 2019, which I stumbled across in person one time (often branded as ‘riots’ by officials and government-sympathisers). I remember holding my friend’s hand and run to the nearest metro station to evacuate before the pepper spray and other projectiles got to us, while protesters chanted slogans on the way. Regardless of my political stance, it was still a traumatising part of my life. I can’t help but to cry when I see realistic protests depicted in fictional media.

Now that freedom of speech is being suppressed, I often regret not participating in showing support and voicing opinions in peaceful protests. I’m even using an alias now in fear of personal safety.

For the better or worse, however, there are still causes around that needs advocacy for change. I have since participated and lead equity, diversity and inclusion groups and causes in spaces I’m involved in. Even when I don’t have energy for doing these works, I still try to make an effort for better equity - I am conscious of how garments and jewels I’m wearing come from, understand how my food gets to my hand, and I spread my knowledge with people around me to help them make informed decisions.

Indigo has been one of my favourite colours, but knowing the history of colonised workers’ rights associate with it, it makes myself appreciate its nuanced beauty even more. It reminds me of the causes of beauty, and what I should continue to do to make the world a better place.

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