in 한국어 / Korean translated by Jin
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맨체스터박물관은남아시아갤러리에전시할릭샤를만들기위해예술가및지역공동체와협력해왔습니다. 아시아의여러국가에서릭샤는주요운송수단으로쓰이는데, 보통이처럼화려하게장식되어있습니다. 릭샤는자전거처럼페달로구동되는친환경교통수단이기때문에달리는데휘발유가필요하지않습니다. 이장식은네팔의하얀태양, 스리랑카의파라데시, 부탄의교실안의야크를비롯한남아시아전역에걸친많은영화에서영감을얻었습니다.
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22 Jan, 2025
Three wheeled pedicaps or rickshaws like this one are a primary mode of transportation in Bangladesh. Specially in urban areas they are used for commuting to work and social trips. Rickshaws are decorated with a variety of designs, flowers, birds and movie stars. I used rickshaws to travel to college and I was living there.
22 Jan, 2025
Bengali text for the comment above
তিন চাকার পেডিক্যাপ বা এই ধরণের রিকশা বাংলাদেশে পরিবহনের একটি প্রধান মাধ্যম। বিশেষ করে শহরাঞ্চলে এগুলি কর্মক্ষেত্রে যাতায়াত এবং সামাজিক ভ্রমণের জন্য ব্যবহৃত হয়। রিকশাগুলিতে বিভিন্ন নকশা, ফুল, পাখি এবং চলচ্চিত্র তারকাদের ছবি দিয়ে সজ্জিত করা হয়। আমি কলেজে যাতায়াতের জন্য রিকশা ব্যবহার করতাম এবং আমি সেখানে থাকতাম।
31 Oct, 2023
Picture from a Rickshaw-making workshop at Manchester Museum.
20 Apr, 2023
There is an image from the National Museum of China with a caption describing rickshaws:
“Rickshaws were initially introduced to China from Japan. They were widely used in towns and cities. At first the wheels were made of iron, but at the end of the 19th century they were replaced by rubber wheels. Since 1913, all the bodies of rickshaws in Shanghai had been painted with yellow tung oil or yellow lacquer. Since then, rickshaws have flourished in the city for their ease of hire and low fares.”
20 Apr, 2023
Here are the original Chinese text and a link to see the image:
Wikipedia on this:
人力车,又称作黄包车,或者东洋车,洋车,是一种依靠人力的交通工具,一般有两个轮子,上有座位可坐一到二人,由一个人在前面拉行(也有的洋车后边有人推) 人力车主要在19世纪末到20世纪初,汽车尚未发达的时代,在亚洲各国的城市地区作为主要的交通工具。20世纪后半以后其交通工具的功能,逐渐被三轮车或机动三轮车所取代,现在主要是在观光景点使用。
31 Mar, 2023
How do you usually travel around?
I like travelling around by the good old-fashioned way – walking. It is my favourite thing to do.
Walking is not only one of the easiest ways of exercise, but it is also a great benefit for mental
health and wellbeing. More specifically, I have noticed that walking helps me relax and reduce
stress during the day. Walking outdoors, also, exposes people to natural sunlight and removes
the risk of seasonal depression, which usually occurs in fall and winter and personally, I find
it extremely important. Lastly, it costs nothing and helps me explore the beautiful city of
Manchester and its architecture.