코일 형상 으로꼬아 만든 누비아의 바구니 쟁반

코일 형상 으로꼬아 만든 누비아의 바구니 쟁반 Gallery Image

코일 형상 으로꼬아 만든 누비아의 바구니 쟁반

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    Comment in Tigre written using Arabic script

    Image comment for Mahmoud
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    The Tigre comment above says that trays like this one from the museum are used in Eritrea for serving ‘kesra’. This is a flatbread similar to injera but lighter. As people share this bread from the same tray they come together as a community. Eating kesra together from such trays always starts with giving thanks to God and saying Bismillah.

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    In Amharic, audio


    Do you have anything similar in your home?
    The Traditional Greek Coffee Trays are the trays used by waiters/waitresses to serve customers in
    coffee houses. However, coffee trays can be used by other people in different occasions, and not
    necessarily only from waiters or waitresses. For example, my mother always uses her coffee tray if she
    wants to serve coffee after a family lunch celebration in our home. Furthermore, it might be called
    coffee tray, but apart from coffee someone could, also, carry water, and Greek cookies or desserts
    such as moustokouloura (grape molasses cookies) and spoon sweets (sweet preserves).
    Others call Greek coffee (originally came from the Ottoman Empire) … Byzantine! Byzantine coffee is
    considered to be served with the pot and the cup next to it empty. (Image is taken from



    In China, New Year is a time of reunion. People will buy New Year’s groceries, such as nuts and snacks, in advance, put them on plates and share them with loved ones and friends. I shared a house with a few other roommates as an international student. In these difficult times and transition periods, we often experience moments of frustration and we share food, talk to each other and encourage each other.


    I loved reading your comment, Olivia. Cooking and sharing food is so good for my mental health when I am feeling down.

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