in Polski / Polish translated by Alex
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19 Apr, 2023
The following is a piece of text I found on the Shanghai Natural History Museum website, which also describes polar bears.
Chordate Phylum, Mammalia, Carnivora, Ursidae, Ursus.
1.6 meters at the shoulder, 150-800 kg, can be up to 2.8 meters when standing. Compared with brown bears, polar bears have longer heads and smaller faces. Its ears are small and round, its neck is long and thin, its feet broad, and its limbs and palms hairy. Polar bear skin is black, its hair consists of colorless and transparent hollow tubes, which are usually white in appearance and may turn pale yellow, brown, or gray in the summer. Polar bears are carnivores, they live in sea areas around the Arctic Ocean on floating icebergs. They mate in spring, their gestation period is 195-265 days, and give birth to usually two babies at a time.
They are found in Canada, Greenland, Norway, Russia, the United States, Svalbard, and Jan Mayen.
19 Apr, 2023
This is the original text, which can be found on:
站立时高达2.8 m,肩高1.6 m,150-800 kg。头部相对棕熊长而脸小,耳小而圆,颈细长,足宽大,肢掌多毛,皮肤呈黑色,毛是无色透明的中空小管子,外观上通常为白色,夏季可能会变成淡黄色、褐色或灰色。食肉动物,其活动范围主要在北冰洋附近有浮冰的海域。在春天交配,妊娠期为195-265天,每胎通常为两只。
17 Nov, 2023
Thank you