in English original
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This is something very special from our collection, a dinosaur egg! This is thought to be the egg of a dinosaur called Hypselosaurus, and it dates to the Upper Cretaceous period, about 70 million years ago.
Hypselosaurus (meaning ‘highest lizard’) was a titanosaur, a type of sauropod that lived in France. In 1846, Hypselosaurus eggs were the first dinosaur eggs to be discovered, but they were not recognised as being from dinosaurs for several decades, being mistaken for giant bird eggs!
Dinosaur eggs are one of the most commonly misidentified finds for amateur fossil hunters. If you have something at home that you think might be a dinosaur egg, you can check for a round egg shape and pieces of cracked shell on the surface, with an eggshell texture. Inside will be the skeleton of a baby dinosaur.
Dinosaur eggs are often in the news, with recent research in which scientists could reconstruct the skulls of the dinosaurs in fossil dinosaur eggs, which reveals new information about their development.
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23 May, 2023
Inspirata de activitatile cu tematica paleontologica, Eva a creat o gradina pentru dinozauri folosind o cutie de lemn, pamant, pietre, cateva plante suculente si un recipient de plastic pe post de lac.
23 May, 2023
Si noi ne-am inspirat citind despre dinozauri si despre plante. Ne-am distrat plantand o gradina a dinozaurilor si invatand cuvinte noi cu copiii. Multumim!
20 Apr, 2023
This exhibit is closely related to the dinosaur egg fossil exhibit in the Kumamoto region in Japan.
I have translated a bit of the excerpt from the Japanese website.
“At Kumamoto Kamimashikigun, Mifune city, we have discovered two dinosaur egg fossils from the Upper Crustaceous Period (about 90 million years ago). This dinosaur egg fossil is the first to be found in the Kyushu region, and a dinosaur egg fossil from the Upper Crustaceous period is the first to be discovered in Japan.
Based on this discovery, it is known that the dinosaurs were breeding and accumulating in this area. ”