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    Gaetana Trippetti

    I grew up near a large lake in Umbria, Italy (Lago Trasimeno, or Lake Trasimene in English) and eels were part of our diet. Quite a large part, actually. I know it might gross out some of you, but we used to eat pasta with small eels (“ceriole” in our dialect), cut into pieces and cooked in a tomato sauce, and for our New Year’s Eve dinner (“il cenone di San Silvestro”) we always had “capitone”, a very big eel which quite frankly looked like a large snake! It was nevertheless delicious, cut into large chunks, seasoned with bay leaves and spit-roasted. Nowadays the only eels I get to eat are the jellied variety. I recommend Margate and Herne Bay for the best jellied eels in the world! Have you ever eaten eels?

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