스노든잎딱정벌레 (Chrysolina cerealis)

스노든잎딱정벌레 (Chrysolina cerealis) Gallery Image

스노든잎딱정벌레 (Chrysolina cerealis)

보시는바와같이이딱정벌레는껍질에아름다운무지개빛을띠고있습니다. 흔히웨일즈에있는산의이름을따서스노든잎딱정벌레, 또는그색깔때문에무지개잎딱정벌레로알려져있습니다. 이와같이산에서식하는종들은기온상승을피하기위해더높은곳으로이동하지만, 더이상올라갈수없는지점에다다르기때문에기후변화로인한위험은이들에게더욱심각합니다. 영국에서이딱정벌레는멸종위기종으로분류됩니다.



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    PLAST Ukrainian Scouts

    Drawing of tarantula at Manchester Museum, in Ukrainian

    Image comment for PLAST Ukrainian Scouts
    PLAST Ukrainian Scouts

    Ladybird in Ukrainian

    Image comment for PLAST Ukrainian Scouts
    PLAST Ukrainian Scouts

    Drawing of beetle at Manchester Museum

    Image comment for PLAST Ukrainian Scouts
    Oleg from PLAST Ukrainian Scouts

    Drawing of tarantula at Manchester Museum

    Image comment for Oleg from PLAST Ukrainian Scouts
    Домоника from PLAST Ukrainian Scouts

    Crane fly at Manchester Museum

    Image comment for Домоника from PLAST Ukrainian Scouts
    Mariia and Sasha from PLAST Ukrainian Scouts

    Pictures of beetles at Manchester Museum (Жук)

    Image comment for Mariia and Sasha from PLAST Ukrainian Scouts

    What lovely rainbow colours!


    My answer and my thought:
    I love Giant Pandas; they mainly live at Sichuan province in China. The giant panda’s diet is primarily herbivorous, consisting almost exclusively of bamboo. However, the climate has changing rapidly in China; it is difficult for giant pandas live in the natural world by themselves, so there is Center called a Chengdu Research Base of Giant Panda in Sichuan in China, that looks after Giant Pandas. Giant Pandas is very lucky, I hope Polar bear and other dangerous animals have the same luck as Giant Pandas has.

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    There are some particularly rare species of animals, some of which can be found only in Mediterranean Sea and are in immediate danger of extinction. For example, the Mediterranean seal (Monachus monachus) is endangered as their population decreasing, numbering no more than 700 animals. Most of the Mediterranean seal population lives in Greece,and specifically in Sporades.

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