in 中文-粵語 / 粤语 / 廣東話 / 广东话 / Yue Chinese / Cantonese translated by Lesley Cheung
This object has been translated into 11 different languages by 11 different users
至於牠們如何來到英國,坊間便流傳多個解釋。有人說一些鸚鵡在五十年代電影《非洲女王號》拍攝場地逃到這裡,更有人說結他手Jimi Hendrix在六十年代放生了好幾隻,然後牠們定居下來並開始繁殖!無論如何,鸚鵡將一直長留此處,為我們的景觀增添一道翠綠的風景。
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15 Nov, 2023
I first spotted parakeets in Manchester in Crowcroft Park. I have been seeing them in Heaton Mersey for a few years now. It makes me happy to hear them and to follow that flash of colour in the sky. They remind me of places I have visited around the world.
5 Sep, 2023
Spotted this one not far from Manchester Museum, in Fallowfield.