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呢件滿族頭飾又稱為鈿子,係格特魯德.伍德.瓊斯夫人喺 1939 年送贈畀曼城博物館。佢係弗里德里克.伍德.瓊斯(1879 – 1954)嘅妻子。弗里德里克係現代體質人類學嘅其中一位先驅。 呢件頭飾應該係佢喺 1932 到 1933 年喺北京協和醫學院擔任臨時解剖學系主任期間攞返嚟嘅。

1938 年,弗里德里克因為出任曼城大學解剖學系主任,就同妻子定居曼城,並喺當時將呢件頭飾,連同一啲配襯呢件頭飾嘅嘢同其他私藏都捐咗畀博物館。

呢件頭飾裝嵌咗寶石、珍珠、珊瑚同琺瑯,展現出花、葉同蝴蝶嘅圖案。頭飾嘅藍色嚟自翠鳥羽毛,呢種羽毛喺清代(1644 – 1912)只有皇室同有錢人先至會用。呢種頭飾通常係顯赫女性喺大時大節,譬如喜慶同傳統節日,先至會戴。如果加埋花同簪子,頭飾就更加之靚。


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    Translation of this description (EN-ZH)



    I found a similar Manchu headdress stored in The Palace Museum in Beijing. Here is its description and link to the website.
    (The Manchu headdress / Dianzi with Kingfisher ornaments
    Dianzi with Kingfisher ornaments, from Qing dynasty (1644-1912), 17 centimeters tall and 24 centimeters in diameter, is stored in The Palace Museum in Beijing.
    The hat felt, made of black velvet and braided with wire, is in the shape of bowl. It has coloful ornaments made by pearl, coral, jade, tourmaline and other gemstones, and is embellished with Kingfisher blue and copper gilt base. These coloful ornaments have auspicious connotations, including butterflies, glechoma, crane, ganoderma lucidum, orchid, Longevity Peach, Ru Yi, pen, gourd, flower basket, dragonfly, Tianzhu, pomegranate, auspicious cloud, meaning generations of children, longevity and good luck. It is a kind of Qing Dynasty woman’s headdress, often worn to match auspicious clothes.)

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