Maude mhuka yerudzi rweTigon

Maude mhuka yerudzi rweTigon Gallery Image

Maude mhuka yerudzi rweTigon

Mhuka iyi yerudzi rweIngwe neShumba inodaidzwa kunzi Maude inova Tigon muchirungu. Izvi zvinoreva kuti musanganiswa wemhuka mbiri dzinoti baba ingwe naamai shumba, uye inotoredzera maitiro kubva kuvabereki vese.

Mukurarama kwayo, Maude yaive nemukurumbira panzvimbo inochengeterwa mhuka paManchester Belle Vue Zoo uko kwayaigara nemukoma wayo Kliou kuma1930 nema40s. Mhuka mbiri idzi dzematigon dzakaberekerwa muDresden Zoo kuGermany muna 1932 dzikazoendeswa kuManchester.

Mugore ra1950, Gerald Iles, uyo aitungamirira Belle Vue Zoo, akanyorera museum, ndokuti: “Muupenyu hwake pano, Maude aigara achiyemurwa zvikuru uye ndingati aidiwa nevashanyi vazhinji. Mhuka iyi yaive nemaitiro akanaka uye yairitidza kukura ichiyemurika.”

Pakafa Maude dehwe rayo rakapiwa sechipo kuManchester Museum naGerald Iles. Dehwe remhuka iyi rakagadzirirwa chimisikidzo chakanaka uye rakazoratidzwa kuruzhinji muna 2015. Panguva iyoyo, yaive mhuka yekutanga yerudzi urwu kunoratidzwa muUK museum kwemakore anogona kusvika zana.

Comments from Raymond Mashizha about the translation

Shona has a wide range of terms that refer to traditional practices and artefacts and to cultural norms and rites. Because of this, there is a translation problem between Shona and English due to the cultural gap between the speakers of the source and target language.


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