in English original
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Parakeets like this can now be seen in many parks and gardens around Manchester. They originally came from the foothills of the Himalayan mountains in Pakistan and India, so the cold English weather doesn’t bother them. Our UK population started in London, and has now spread to many areas of the UK.
There are many rumours about how they came to be here, including some that escaped from the set of the film The African Queen in the 1950s, and even a rumour that Jimi Hendrix released some in the 1960s that settled down and started breeding! However it started, they’re here to stay, adding an unexpected shade of green to our landscape.
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15 Nov, 2023
I first spotted parakeets in Manchester in Crowcroft Park. I have been seeing them in Heaton Mersey for a few years now. It makes me happy to hear them and to follow that flash of colour in the sky. They remind me of places I have visited around the world.
5 Sep, 2023
Spotted this one not far from Manchester Museum, in Fallowfield.