Ikerḍa n wenẓul Ifrika (by Madghis Abouzakhar)

Ikerḍa n wenẓul Ifrika (by Madghis Abouzakhar) Gallery Image
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in Tamaziɣt / ⵜⴰⵎⴰⵣⵉⵖⵜ / Tamazight / Berber translated by Nasser Abouzakhar

This object has been translated into 5 different languages by 5 different users

Tamaziɣt / ⵜⴰⵎⴰⵣⵉⵖⵜ / Tamazight / Berber
Polski / Polish Español / Spanish Suomi / Finnish മലയാളം / Malayalam

Ikerḍa n wenẓul Ifrika (by Madghis Abouzakhar)

Ayed d ukerḍa asinan ɣef amestay ittwasemras ussan n uselket n 1994 g tafrant tamatayt g wenẓul IfriKa, d tannalt sɣer aselmad Frank Jules (Frank Jolles) seg tsedawit n Natal.

G 1994 tisi tikkelt tamezwarut ttṣara g umezruy n wenẓul IfriKa mani yal t\inamuren\in ɣer-sen\t inzgi d zemmren\t ad ucen\t usufu. tettwasbedd d tuqa tallit n tmezzaẓart d tuẓẓirt n lbulis, d amɣar agerwalan Nilsun Mandilla (Nelson Mandela) yittwaffran d amezwar aselway d aẓeṭṭaf.


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