South African posters, 1994

South African posters, 1994 Gallery Image

South African posters, 1994

This is from a set of voter education posters used during the transformative 1994 general election in South Africa, and were donated by Professor Frank Jolles from the University of Natal.

In 1994, for the first time in South African history, all citizens were allowed to vote. It was a key marker of the end of the practice of restricting the rights of citizens based on their race, and the revolutionary leader Nelson Mandela was elected the nation’s first ever Black president.

This iconic victory of Nelson Mandela is seen as the start of the post-apartheid era, and is marked by a yearly celebration, known as Freedom Day, on the 27th of April. Universal suffrage, where all adult citizens have the right to vote for their political leadership, is a cornerstone of democratic societies.

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