in Magyar / Hungarian translated by István
This object has been translated into 13 different languages by 12 different users
A törött tárgyak megjavítása egy igen jó módja annak, hogy hosszú ideig meg tudjuk őket tartani, és ne kelljen újat venni. Japán különösen híres erről, sajátos, “kintsugi” nevű, törött tányérokat javító technikája miatt. Kötőanyagként aranyat öntenek a repedések és a darabok közé, így gyönyörű külsőt adnak a törött darabokból álló tárgynak.
Van- e olyan eszközöd, amit te javítottál meg, és ha igen, milyen módszert alkalmaztál?
I have added only one word which was not in the original text. It is the "Kötőanyagként", which means "as an adhesive". This clarifies the specific role of the (molten) gold.
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5 Nov, 2023
Extract from a –
“This new phase of life required a different mindset. Now that everything had blown up and I was on a new path ― whether I wanted to be or not ― I wondered, what if I treated aging as an adventure, like traveling to a new land? Who knew which way I’d go or what I’d discover? Imagine how glittery I’d be if I filled in my cracks like the Japanese tradition of kintsugi, patching broken pottery with gold and silver. Imagine if instead of averting my eyes, I looked at my future ― however different it was now going to be ― with awe.”
5 Apr, 2023
Comentário: meu último reparo foi de uma tigela de cerâmica trazida de Sorrento (Itália). No transporte para casa, a tigela quebrou em pequenos pedaços. A técnica utilizada foi usar a cola super-bonder (única técnica que eu conheço!)
5 Apr, 2023
Reply in Italian:
Mi piace tanto riparare la bigiotteria. Una volta riparai una mia catenina lunga agganciando gli anelli con un piccolo orecchino a cerchio che avevo trovato. CI legai un nastrino rosso e ci misi anche un fiore di seta. Mi sembrava veramente molto elegante.
English translation of the reply:
I quite like to repair broken fashion jewellery. Once I repaired a long chain necklace by joining the links with a small hoop earring I had found. I also embellished it with a red ribbon and a silk flower. It looked rather stylish.