in English original
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While it is difficult to prove that objects were used as children’s toys in the modern sense, it is tempting to view this wooden model horse on wheels as such. One of several like it that are known, this horse was perhaps made in reference to the Trojan Horse, described by Virgil in the story the Aeneid in the 1st century BC.
Other potential toys from Ancient Egypt included playable board games like senet, clay rattles, dolls with beaded hair, even objects like a hippo with jaws that used string action to open and close!
What was your favourite toy as a child?
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25 Oct, 2023
I saw a very similar toy on an episode of “Games of Thrones”. It was practically the same. Could it be possible that this toy, or a very similar one in another museum somewhere else in the world, inspired the prop makers who worked on this production? Wouldn’t that be wonderful?