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    Katharina Geis

    Perhaps surprisingly the highest consumption of tea per capita among groups of people is in Germany. East Frisians (Ostfriesländer) in the North-West of the country drink about 300 litres of tea per person every year. The traditional tea of choice is a strong black brew that is served with cold cream and lumps of rock sugar (Kluntje). You can read more about it in this article by Thomas Sparrow: https://www.bbc.com/travel/article/20240725-europes-under-the-radar-region-thats-home-to-the-undisputed-tea-world-champions


    Turkish teapot

    Image comment for Mirela
    Maheshi Thuduhenage 🇱🇰

    The Ceylon Tea (Sri Lankan Tea) 🇱🇰

    Image comment for Maheshi Thuduhenage 🇱🇰
    Maheshi Thuduhenage 🇱🇰

    History of Ceylon Tea in native language 🇱🇰


    Un ceai negru cu menta proaspata. Perfect dupa o masa la Jaffa, pe Curry Mile, Manchester.

    Image comment for George
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    Safina Tahir

    The recipe for the tea we shared at the Manchester Museum Iftar.

    Safina Tahir

    Urdu text about the joy of sharing tea at the Museum Iftar with hundreds of people, April 2023.

    Image comment for Safina Tahir
    Gaetana Trippetti

    When I was a child some members of my family were living in Libya and I clearly remember my aunt mentioning karkadè once when visiting our home in Italy. A few years ago I spent some time in Jakarta and a lady who lived near my flat gave me some dried hibiscus flowers to make a drink which I guess is like karkadè. It was a deep shade of red and aromatic and delicious. The hibiscus flower is called “rosella” in Bahasa Indonesia.

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