
茶树 Gallery Image


问很多人在他们的文化中最重要的饮料是什么,很多人会说“茶”。茶叶最初来自东亚,但已经在世界各地传播开来,其独特的品种和饮茶方式成为许多国家的骄傲。比如埃及用玫瑰花蕾制成鲜红色的洛神花茶(Karkadeh);泰国搭配炼乳制成的泰式奶茶(”冰茶”);日本的鲜绿色抹茶;以及印度的印度奶茶(Masala chai)配上肉桂、肉豆蔻、丁香和生姜,使其气味和味道更加浓郁。你认为泡茶最好的方法是什么?


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    Turkish teapot

    Image comment for Mirela
    Maheshi Thuduhenage 🇱🇰

    The Ceylon Tea (Sri Lankan Tea) 🇱🇰

    Image comment for Maheshi Thuduhenage 🇱🇰
    Maheshi Thuduhenage 🇱🇰

    History of Ceylon Tea in native language 🇱🇰


    Un ceai negru cu menta proaspata. Perfect dupa o masa la Jaffa, pe Curry Mile, Manchester.

    Image comment for George
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    Safina Tahir

    The recipe for the tea we shared at the Manchester Museum Iftar.

    Safina Tahir

    Urdu text about the joy of sharing tea at the Museum Iftar with hundreds of people, April 2023.

    Image comment for Safina Tahir
    Gaetana Trippetti

    When I was a child some members of my family were living in Libya and I clearly remember my aunt mentioning karkadè once when visiting our home in Italy. A few years ago I spent some time in Jakarta and a lady who lived near my flat gave me some dried hibiscus flowers to make a drink which I guess is like karkadè. It was a deep shade of red and aromatic and delicious. The hibiscus flower is called “rosella” in Bahasa Indonesia.

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Such as parts that were interesting to translate, about yourself, or about someone else you worked with on it?